Sunday, February 26, 2006

Draw Four

I arrived as the teams were finishing practice. Canada was way over on Sheet A playing Newfoundland, and I didn’t think it would be a very interesting game, not expecting much from the Heather Strong team. I started to chat with my seat mates. On my left were alternately a man and his wife (never at the same game) and then beyond them an older couple during the day, and their daughter and granddaughter at the evening draws.

The crowd was large and enthusiastic once again. My sheet had an excellent game featuring Quebec and Manitoba, with Quebec pulling off the win with a steal in the 10th. Sheet C had a relatively boring game between BC and NB, won by Kelly Scott, of course. I still wasn’t expecting too much from the juniors. And Canada on Sheet A got trounced by confident Heather Strong and her Newfoundlanders 9-3, with Canada giving up after 8 ends. This turned my head to look at Newfoundland, that’s for sure. Jennifer Jones was very discouraged, and sat alone at the end of the break, silent. PEI won over Saskatchewan, and I began to wish that Stefanie Lawton had made the Scott instead of Streifel, to make things even more interesting.

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