Sunday, March 05, 2006


Immediately following the game the doors to the team area opened and out marched a large pipe band. For once, the whole crowd could hear it and everyone clapped in time, a loud punctuation to every beat. The other teams came in, dressed in identical ‘street’ clothing. Some were ugly—Ontario ugh—and some were ok—Alberta, for example. As the third place team, Colleen marched in with their NS jackets but also pants… very strange to see them in pants!

They were followed by Team Canada, obviously coming straight from battle as Jenn was still wearing her stopwatch and her big black mittens. And then Team BC—our future Team Canada—came in and paused at the top of Sheet C. I was a little disappointed that they did it this way; I thought they’d be announced in, surely they did that last year! But they just gathered at the head of Sheet C and then walked in to the same pipe music as all the others, in a line down the sheet in triumph, arms raised. There should have been more of a fanfare, however.

There were many speeches and presentations. While they interviewed Kelly Scott the cameraman kept Jennifer Jones in the background. To her infinite credit she smiled and ‘listened’ carefully the whole time. Jennifer got shot of the week for her relatively easy double in the semifinal (hardly the best shot I saw all week, though certainly one of the more important). Kelly Scott got MVP of course.

I was definitely disappointed for Jennifer; although the crowd seemed to be rooting for BC mostly, she was still my favourite player and despite the ups and downs this never really changed. But BC was much the best all week and deserved the win. I’ll be interested to see how they do in Grand Prairie. The game was not the best or worst I’d seen all week; but there was lots of tension, some fluky shots, and it came down to the last stone: what else could we ask for?

I stayed for the ceremonies to get a little closure, and it worked, and only got slightly damp-eyed as I watched them lower the Scott banner which had hung all week. I felt very strongly that I want to go next year… despite it being in Alberta. Or maybe because of it!

I wished many many times that whole week that I was 10 years younger… I’d dedicate my life to curling! I wish I could thank each curler personally—what an outstanding event. Absolutely outstanding.

And I hope to see Jenn back next year.

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